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How to prepare for a house clearance

by BML Waste Management

clock 3 min
Preparing for a house clearance can be quite an emotionally difficult task, not to mention all the work and effort it takes. To make it as smooth of a process as possible, having a plan in place is essential. In this blog we have outlined some useful tips that will help you prepare your home for a professional house clearance.

What is house clearance?

When it comes to a house clearance, the process entails more than just regular rubbish removal. This type of service is typically required for larger scale scenarios, such as moving home or preparing a property for sale. Additionally, it can be needed in more sensitive situations involving bereavement or when putting a family member into care. A house clearance involves clearing out and disposing of unwanted items from any type of dwelling (house, apartment, flat, studio). If a property is part of probate, an executor – usually a family member – will typically take charge of the clearing process. Another common need for this service arises when dealing with hoarding issues and helping those affected get the necessary help they require.  Regardless of why it’s needed, a professional house clearance service can help make sure that the space is cleared out properly and efficiently.  Each job is taken on with individual attention given to all aspects of the task at hand.

A professional house clearance service is a specialised team of experienced personnel with the expertise and equipment to safely, efficiently, and respectfully remove unwanted items from a home or other property. The range of services offered by a professional house clearance company can include everything from decluttering to complete removal of furniture and appliances. In some cases, these same companies may even provide valuation advice on certain items prior to disposal. Ultimately, professional house clearance companies allow homeowners to reclaim their living space without the hassle and expense of dealing with removal themselves.

At its core, a house clearance service is all about making the process of transitioning out of a home or property as stress-free as possible for all parties involved. From providing advice on the most effective way to remove items, to helping clients through difficult decisions on what to keep or discard, hiring a professional house clearance service can help make these transitions smoother and easier to manage. Whatever your needs may be, it's important to remember that you don't have to tackle the task of clearing out a property alone – there are experienced professionals ready and willing to assist you every step of the way.

What can professional house clearance companies clear?

Generally they can clear nearly everything, such as furniture, fridges, electrical items, books, clothes, tools, etc. however there are a few hazardous items they may not be able to take such as asbestos, explosives, large quantities of paint, oils, chemicals, etc.

Step 1 - Decide what you would like to keep and what items are to be cleared

When it comes to a house clearance, the first thing to do is figure out which items are going and which items will remain. This can take more time than you expect - especially when there are pieces that hold sentimental or emotional value. Take out or label all possessions that have a memory or emotion attached, such as jewellery, furniture, clothing, photos, and gifts that you want to keep. You could also take photos of these items you would like to keep and send them to your house clearance company ahead of time if you are not able to remove these yourself. Smaller items with sentimental significance can be easy to miss during this process; hence we always aim to set aside personal, confidential materials for your review. Give yourself sufficient time; clearing a home can require more effort than initially thought.

Step 2 - Donate or sell unwanted items

There maybe items that you do not want to keep but that still have a lot of use left in them. Donating furniture, clothes, books, etc. to charity can stop these items going to landfill and give them a new life. It is a good idea to contact local charities ahead of your house clearance to arrange a day for them to collect these items. Donating furniture, clothes, books, and other household items is a great way to reduce waste and help those in need. So take the time to research charities in your area and consider donating some of your unwanted items. It can make a big difference in people’s lives and help the environment at the same time.

Some unwanted items may also have value and are worth selling. When it comes to selling household items, you have a few options. They can be sold at auction or you can list them on sites such as eBay and Gumtree. You can also advertise them locally. Whatever you decide, it is important to research the current value of the items so that you get a good deal.

Step 3 - Book storage space if needed

Once you have decided what you want to keep you need to have somewhere new to put these items. If you are ready to take in these items then your clearance company can deliver them to you. If you are not ready then you will need to arrange a place to store these items in the meantime. It is worth checking with your clearance company to see if they have any recommendations.

Step 4 - Choose your clearance company

If you're looking to book a house clearance service, make sure that you do thorough research beforehand. You should always look at the prices, but also check if they have a valid waste carrier licence and read reviews from other customers to ensure that you're dealing with a reliable company. Don't forget there may be legal repercussions if you pass your rubbish to an unlicensed waste carrier and it ends up being fly-tipped. You should also make sure that your chosen company is fully insured incase any damage is caused to your property or items in the process of removal.

Giving yourself enough time to properly plan out a house clearance job is key for a stress free experience. Providing your clearance company with an extensive list of all the details, from the number of boxes and bags that need to be taken away to the specific items that must go, will help them give you an accurate quote and plan for the clearance.

If you won't be there on the day, make sure to let them know in advance and ensure any items that are meant to stay are either moved or clearly labelled - this way, your house clearance should all go smoothly and stress free.

To conclude

When it comes to house clearance it is definitely a good idea to call in the professionals, but there is a lot that you can do ahead of time to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

When it comes to house clearance, a professional company can provide an invaluable service. Professional house clearance companies are experienced and trained in the safe removal of all types of items from your property, including furniture, appliances and other household goods. They are also equipped with the necessary tools and vehicles to safely transport these items away from your home.

In addition to providing a safe and efficient service, professional house clearance companies are often highly knowledgeable about local regulations and laws surrounding the disposal of certain materials. They have access to proper waste disposal facilities and will be able to advise you as to the best way of dealing with items in order to ensure that they are disposed of legally and safely. They will also attempt to recycle as much as possible to keep useful items/materials out of landfill.

Overall, professional house clearance companies provide a great service for those looking for an efficient and cost-effective solution for disposing of unwanted items from their property. By taking the steps outlined in this blog before any house clearance starts you can help ensure that you keep the items with sentimental value safe and all unwanted items are disposed of properly.

Looking for a house clearance company in London?

We have years of experience in both partial and full house clearance services in London. We get rid of furniture, as well as any 'junk' you need taken away - all while taking measures to recycle what we can. Our London-based services are fully insured, registered and reliable. Plus, our rates are competitive so you won't have to worry about hidden charges or expensive costs.

If you're interested in our house clearance services in London, don't hesitate to contact us. We guarantee a professional and efficient experience every time. After a brief phone call, we'll provide an upfront quote - with no surprises after the job is finished. You can also send us photos of the property via email or Whatsapp, so we can give you the most accurate quote possible. Let us take care of your waste clearance needs today!
BML Waste Management

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